Privacy Policy & Security
We value you and your confidentiality. Rest assured, all customer applications are being done on our secure server. All data is transmitted using state-of-the-art encryption using SSL (secure socket layers). This is the same technology encryption technology used by all e-commerce sites to transmit confidential credit card numbers.
For all of our customers, private information is never sent over the internet unprotected. When you are on the application page, notice up in the address line that the URL is https: This is a universal symbol for secure. If you have your images turned on, you should see a closed padlock using Internet Explorer or an unbroken key using Netscape. Using America On Line, the symbol is also a closed padlock. These too are universal signs of secure server application.

We will never share your confidential personal information with anyone except the people and organizations you want us to. We collect only the domain name and aggregate information on what pages consumer’s  access or visit. The information we collect is used for internal review and is then discarded and not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.